new and upcoming
More Than One Way to Breathe
by Abigail Wild
Heartache, betrayal, and abuse: These are Mia’s lifelong companions, inflicted upon her by parents who wish she’d never been born. The night she was kicked out of the house, Mia would have frozen to death—if not literally, then emotionally—were it not for the love of her best friend’s family.
Intuition, love, and wonder: These are Sophie’s gifts, unleashed by her struggle with Cystic Fibrosis and her determination to live fully. When Mia tells Sophie about the long walk down the mountain in the snow, Sophie instinctively knows there is more to the story of Mia’s survival.
Publication Date: 16 September 2022
ISBN 978-1-954064-06-5
ISBN 978-1-954064-04-1
ISBN 978-1-954064-05-8 (Ebook)
ISBN 978-1-954064-07-2 (EPUB)

Apples Fall
by Jean Limongello
Coming soon . . .
The Art of Drowning
by Abigail Wild
Larkin and Reagan have always been at odds, competing for everything.
Larkin lost two years to post-concussion syndrome. She wonders if she’s even the same person she once was. Abandoned by friends, she takes her first step toward her future: alone. Was it a mistake for her to go back for her senior year? Will they laugh at her panic attacks? Will they notice she isn’t eating? Will she make it through the first day?
Beautiful, tough, popular . . . cunning, Reagan puts on a good show. No one notices her pain and she prefers it that way. Her life is nothing, just like her mother says, but it looks perfect. When Larkin went down, Reagan stepped into her shoes. Now Reagan has her senior year all planned out. One perfect year before she can finally escape her mother’s grasp Her nightmare over. Or is it?
Face to face on the first day of their senior year . . . lightning strikes.
Publication Date: 23 February 2021
ISBN 978-1-954064-00-3
ISBN 978-1-954064-01-0
ISBN 978-1-954064-02-7

Words: An Anthology by and for Teens
Sponsored by CC Teen
2020 was a difficult year for all. When foodbanks started asking for more help, a group of teens came together with an idea for a fundraiser. They knew they didn’t have money to give, but they did have the talent of the written word. They decided to pull their creative writing together in an anthology of poems, personal essays, and short stories, with all revenue going to the Pennsylvania Food Banks. They worked tirelessly on their writing while workshopping and editing as a group. The burning question in their minds was always, “What more can we do?”
Support these teen writers by purchasing and enjoying the musing of their hearts. Know that this project comes from the spirit of the giving of their time and talents to aid those who are worried about tomorrow.
Publication Date: 30 March 2021
ISBN 978-1-954064-03-4
Submissions are not currently being accepted. All 2022 Cable Creek Publishing contracts have been issued.